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Y-Flyer Class Membership
A Y-Flyer Membership has many perks! You will have access to the current membership roster, post in the "For Sale" page and race in class sactioned regattas. An affordable, family friendly class that makes sailing a wonderful time. Become a member today!
Choose your membership.
Active Member - Subscription
40$Every yearÂ- Skipper/Crew In Sanctioned Regattas
- Can be an Officer of Class
- Voting Rights
Associate - Subscription
25$Every yearÂ- Skipper In Sanctioned Regattas (except Nationals)
- Can be an Officer of Class
- Cannot Vote
Junior - Subscription
20$Every yearBest for Under 19Â- Can Skipper/Crew in Sanctioned Regattas
- Under 19 y.o.
Crew - Subscription
15$Every yearBest for people who only want to crew.Â- Crew in Sanctioned Events
Active Member - 1-Year
40$ÂValid for 12 months- Skipper/Crew in Sanctioned Regattas
- Can be an Officer of class
- Class Voting Rights
Associate - 1-Year
25$ÂValid for 12 months- Can Skipper Sanctioned Regattas (Except Nationals)
- Can be an Officer of Class
- Cannot Vote
Junior - 1-Year
20$ÂBest for junior sailorsValid for 12 months- Can Skipper/Crew in all Sanctioned Regattas
- Under 19
Crew - 1-Year
15$ÂBest for people that only want to crewValid for 12 months- Crew in Sanctioned Events
Additonal Items for Purchase
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